Igneous petrology

Igneous petrology is the study of igneous rock, those that are formed from magma. Igneous petrology is as a branch of geology closely related to volcanology, tectonophysics and petrology in general. The modern study of igneous rocks is done using several techniques some of the developed in the areas of chemistry and physics or from other earth sciences. Petrography, crystallography, and isotopic studies are common methods used in igneous petrology.



Determination of chemical composition

The composition of igneous rocks and minerals can be determined via a variety of methods of varying ease, cost, and complexity. The simplest method is observation of hand samples with the naked eye and/or with a hand lens. This can be used to gauge the general mineralogical composition of the rock, which gives an insight into the composition. A more precise but still relatively inexpensive way to identify minerals (and thereby the bulk chemical composition of the rock) with a petrographic microscope. These microscopes have polarizing plates, filters, and a conoscopic lens that allow the user to measure a large number of crystallographic properties. Another method for determining mineralogy is to use X-ray diffraction, in which a powdered sample is bombarded by X-rays, and the resultant spectrum of crystallographic orientations is compared to a set of standards. One of the most precise ways of determining chemical composition is by the use of an electron microprobe, in which tiny spots of materials are sampled. Electron microprobe analyses can detect both bulk composition and trace element composition.

Dating methods

The dating of igneous rocks determines when magma solidified into rock. Radiogenic isotopes are frequently used to determine the age of igneous rocks.

Potassium-argon dating

In this dating method the amount of 40Ar trapped in a rock is compared to the amount of 40K in the rock to calculate the amount of time 40K must have been decaying in the solid rock to produce all 40Ar that would have otherwise not have been present there.

Rubidium-strontium dating

The rubidium-strontium dating is based on the natural decay of 87Rb to 87Sr and the different behaviour of these elements during fractional crystallization of magma. Both Sr and Rb are found in most magmas; however, as fractional crystallization occurs, Sr will tend to be concentrated in plagioclase[1] crystals while Rb will remain in the melt for a longer time. 87Rb decays in magma and elsewhere so that every 1.42×1011 years half of the amount has been converted into 87Sr. Knowing the decay constant and the amount of 87Rb and 87Sr in a rock it is possible to calculate the time that the 87Rb must have needed before the rock reached closure temperature to produce all 87Sr, yet considering that there was an initial 87Sr amount no produced by 87Rb in the magmatic body. Initial values of 87Sr, when the magma started fractional crystallization, might be estimated by knowing the amounts of 87Rb and 87Sr of two igneous rocks produced at different times by the same magmatic body.

Other methods

In the case of volcanoes stratigraphy may be useful to gain knowledge of the relative age of volcanic rocks. Tephrochronology is the most common application of stratigraphic dating on volcanic rocks. Volcanic eruptions might also be dated through radiocarbon dating of organic remnants buried in lava or tephra.

Thermobarometry methods

In petrology the mineral clinopyroxene is used for temperature and pressure calculations of the magma that produced igneous rock containing this mineral. Clinopyroxene thermobarometry is one of several geothermobarometers. Two things makes this method especially useful; first, clinopyroxene is a common phenocryst in igneous rocks easy to identify, second, the crystallization of the jadeite component of clinopyroxene implies a growth in molar volume being thus a good indicator of pressure.



Most contemporary ground breaking in igneous petrology is published on prestigious British and American scientific journals of worldwide circulation such as Science and Nature. Study material, overviews of certain topics and older works are often found as books. Many works before the plate tectonics paradigm shift in the 1960s and 1970s contains inaccurate information regarding the origin of magmas.

Notable journals that publish igneous petrology studies
Name Publisher Scope
American Mineralogist Mineralogical Society of America Mineralogy, petrology, crystallography, geochemistry
Andean geology SERNAGEOMIN Geology of the Andes, Central America, the Caribbean and the Antarctic Peninsula
Bulletin of Volcanology Springer Volcanology
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Springer Mineralogy, petrology
Journal of Petrology Oxford University Press Petrology
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Elsevier Volcanology, geothermal research

Igneous petrologists


  1. ^ Wilson, M. Igneous Petrogeneis. 1995 fifth edition (1989 first edition). Page 23.